Journey Indonesia – What is travelling? For some, a vacation trip is an adventure. For others, it’s a chance to meet new people and explore beautiful places. Simply put, a vacation is a journey that involves exploration, discovery, and unforgettable experiences.

The difference between vacationing and travelling is that vacationing is more about relaxation while travelling emphasizes a journey filled with new experiences. Vacations are popular because they allow you to broaden your horizons and experience life differently. Travelling is an opportunity to explore the world’s beauty and diversity. Are you ready to start your travelling adventure?

What are the benefits of travelling?

Increase knowledge of new cultures and traditions.

Travelling is a great way to broaden our horizons about the world. Visiting new places allows us to learn about different cultures and traditions. This experience will enable us to see first-hand people’s lives in other areas. For example, when visiting Asian countries like Japan or South Korea, we get to try traditional food and see art performances typical of the region. All these experiences make travelling fun and provide new knowledge.

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Reduces stress and improves mental health

One of the benefits of travelling or vacationing is that the travel experience refreshes our minds and improves mental health. When we travel to a new place, we can break away from the monotonous daily routine.

According to research, vacations and physical activities during travel can benefit mental health. Walking in nature or exploring attractions by bike can boost your mood and calm your mind.

Expand connections by meeting new people.

Vacations provide an opportunity to do helpful travelling and expand connections with others. Meeting new people on vacation can provide benefits such as learning from their experiences, hearing inspiring stories, and making lasting friendships. Getting to know people from different cultural backgrounds can foster empathy and tolerance.

Foster a sense of empathy and tolerance for differences

On a vacation trip, we will meet people from different cultural backgrounds. This can foster the benefits of kindness and patience for differences in our travel activities.

Tips and Tricks for Traveling

Make a Careful Itinerary Before Departure

When planning a vacation, it’s essential to plan carefully. Decide on the destination and duration of the trip. Find information about the place you want to visit. Read travel guides or watch videos on social media. Make a list of activities or classes you want to see. Prioritize activities according to personal interests.

Packing Efficiently to Minimize Carrying Load

Regarding travelling, packing efficiently is the key to safe and comfortable luggage. Try following these tips to make your road trips and vacations easier.

  1. Make a list of items to bring with you on the road, and make sure you can check if I need everything.
  2. Use a bag or suitcase of the appropriate size for the duration of the trip when travelling. This is important so that you can carry all the necessary items. Choose one that suits your needs and budget. The keyword is to ensure that your bag or suitcase can comfortably accommodate all your belongings.
  3. Fold your clothes neatly or use the Konmari method to maximize the space in a safe and comfortable bag. This will come in handy when you go on the trip I did to a new place and interact with surrounding objects.
  4. Bring only essential toiletries and cosmetics.
  5. During my trip, I use a small bag or purse to store valuables such as my passport, money, and plane tickets.
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Packaging efficiently makes you feel more comfortable while travelling without carrying too much weight.

Interact with Locals for an Authentic Experience

One of the best things about travelling is interacting with locals and having authentic experiences. You can do this by reviewing the links to my provided resources. Here are some ways to do so.

  1. Try to learn a bit of the local language, I say. Simple phrases like “thank you” or “sorry” can make it easier for you to communicate with the locals.
  2. Ask you, the locals, about places of interest that aren’t listed in tourist guides. I want to know what you say when I ask.
  3. Try eating at local stalls or restaurants instead of relying on crowded tourist spots. You can find links to resources on where to eat that I recommend when travelling.
  4. Join cultural events or festivals that are happening in your destination. Don’t forget to visit trusted sources of information by going to the links to the sources I provided. Enjoy your travelling experience!

Types of travelling to try

Backpacking: Exploring Places with Light Gear on Your Back

Backpacking is a popular type of travel. By carrying light gear on my back, I can explore new places. It’s an economical and flexible way to take a vacation because you can set your own route without being tied to tour schedules.

With backpacking, you are free to explore the destination you want. You can organize your travel time as you wish. For example, if there is an interesting place that you want to visit longer, you can change the itinerary spontaneously. In my opinion, travelling is the best way to explore the world.

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Solo Travel: Traveling Alone without Friends or Family

Solo travelling can be an interesting and insightful experience. One can be independent and explore the world on their own terms. Moreover, solo travel also brings peace in solitude and allows one to see another side of oneself.

Adventure Travel: Try Adventure Activities like Hiking, Diving, or Mountain Climbing

For true adventurers, adventure travelling is the way to go. You can try activities like hiking, diving, or mountain climbing in this type. Adventure travelling provides thrills and excitement you can’t find in other trips. You will feel the adrenaline rush when you pass through challenging hiking routes or see the beautiful scenery from the top of the mountain. I recommend this experience to everyone who is looking for an exciting adventure.

Culinary Travel: Exploring the Specialties of the Visited Region

If you love food and travelling, try culinary travel. You can try the specialities of your visiting region and learn about the local culture. I recommend trying culinary travelling.

Popular travelling destinations other than Bali

Yogyakarta: A cultural city with many historical sites such as Borobudur and Prambanan temples.

Yogyakarta is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. I love going there because of the many interesting historical sites, such as Borobudur Temple, a UNESCO world heritage symbol of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. In addition, there is also Prambanan Temple, the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, which is also a UNESCO world heritage. Not only that, but Yogyakarta also offers other cultural attractions, such as Malioboro Street, which is famous for its friendly merchants and nighttime crowds. At Malioboro, you can shop for Yogyakarta souvenirs or try traditional Javanese cuisines such as gudeg and bakpia. I will definitely enjoy my travelling experience here.

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Lombok: A beautiful island with exotic beaches and Mount Rinjani.

Lombok is an attractive tourist destination for nature and travelling lovers. The island is famous for its exotic beaches, such as Kuta Beach Lombok, Tanjung Aan Beach, and Gili Trawangan. You can relax on the soft white sand while enjoying the clear sea view. In addition, Mount Rinjani is also a popular climbing destination in Lombok. The mountain is the second highest in Indonesia and offers spectacular natural scenery. You can enjoy the beauty of Segara Anak Lake and the mesmerizing panorama of sunrise or sunset at the mountain’s crater.

Raja Ampat: A diver’s paradise with incredible underwater beauty.

Raja Ampat is a paradise for divers and lovers of underwater life. Those of you who love travelling will surely be mesmerized by the beauty of Raja Ampat. Located in West Papua, Raja Ampat is known as one of the best diving spots in the world.


Travelling is an opportunity to escape your daily routine and enjoy new experiences in places you have never been. In addition, travelling also allows you to learn about the culture and traditions of different regions. Trying the following tips and tricks will make travelling smoother and more enjoyable. Prepare everything before leaving, bring the necessary equipment, and follow the type of travel that interests you. Besides Bali, there are many other exciting destinations, such as Yogyakarta and Lombok. So, start planning your trip now and enjoy the benefits of travelling. Happy adventures!

What is the ideal length of time to travel?

The ideal time for travelling depends on the destination and desired activities. Some people like short weekend trips, while others want a few weeks in one place. Adjust to your own preferences and consider the most suitable time.

Do I have to use a travel agent to plan my trip?

Your choice depends on your own preferences. If you’re more comfortable using a travel agent, that’s a good choice. However, if you like to plan on your own and want to save money, you can do it yourself.


A traveler since 2010 until now and has explored more than 30 provinces in Indonesia. Happy to share interesting experiences about tourist destinations in Indonesia.

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