Journey Indonesia – Wonogiri cuisine is known for its delicious and unique flavours. Many snacks can be enjoyed at traditional markets or stalls, such as crispy Wonogiri tofu and sweet Wonogiri brem combined with Javanese sugar. Wonogiri food appeals to tourists and locals with its traditional and authentic flavors. So, if you’re visiting the Wonogiri district, don’t miss the chance to taste the region’s specialties!

12 Recommendations for Wonogiri’s Famous and Must-try Specialties

Wonogiri, a city/district in Central Java, is famous for its traditional fried snacks and delicious green chili vegetables. Want to taste Wonogiri’s famous specialities? Here are 12 recommendations of snacks that must be fried first and delicious green chilli vegetables that are a must-try.

  1. Besengek Tempe: Tempe in a thick and spicy yellow sauce, served with coconut milk and other spices. Perfect for foodies who love spicy snacks and gula jawa drinks.
  2. Brem: A delicious snack or drink fermented from rice with a sweet and slightly alcoholic flavor. Good brem recommendations can be found in various places.
  3. Cabuk is a culinary snack made from fine powder from a mixture of sticky rice, coconut, and brown sugar. This snack is suitable to be eaten while enjoying your favorite drink.
  4. Emping: Melinjo seed chips with a bitter yet savory taste.
  5. Sesame Geti: A small snack made from sesame and brown sugar mixed into bars. Suitable to be enjoyed while culinary in Wonogiri Regency.
  6. Cashews: Fried cashews as a favorite snack.
  7. Lombok Ijo. This vegetable with coconut milk and fresh, spicy green chilies is a must-try.
  8. Nasi Tiwul: A unique dish made from dried cassava with a distinctive texture.
  9. Culinary Pecel Mie Pentil by You: Pecel uses noodles as one of its components, plus small round tofu (“pentil”).
  10. Wonogiri Regency Culinary: Pindang Kambing, processed goat meat with special spices, clear and fragrant sauce.
  11. Tempe Benguk is a type of tempeh made from Benguk seeds, with a rough but savory texture. You can enjoy this food in Wonogiri Regency.
  12. Wader Fish: Small to medium-sized freshwater fish. In Wonogiri, wader fish is usually fried until crispy and eaten with its bones.

There, you’ll find a wide variety of food, serving traditional dishes and foods popular with locals and tourists alike. These local foods are highly recommended as they have authentic flavors and are important to Wonogiri’s culinary scene. So, when visiting Wonogiri, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy a variety of delicious dishes presented with regional spices and unforgettable flavors.

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1. Besengek Tempe

Makanan Khas Wonogiri yaitu Besengek Tempe | Journey Indonesia

Besengek Tempe is a type of tempeh dish that is famous in Wonogiri. It has a thick and spicy yellow seasoning.

Here are some things you need to know about Besengek Tempe:

  • Turmeric Seasoning: Besengek Tempe has a distinctive Wonogiri flavor thanks to the abundant use of turmeric spice. This spice gives the dish a bright yellow color and a mouth-watering aroma. Wonogiri district cooks make this spice.
  • Besengek Tempe Coconut Milk: Besengek Tempe is usually served with a delicious coconut milk gravy. The coconut milk softens the tempeh and blends perfectly with the turmeric seasoning. You can enjoy this coconut milk in Wonogiri Regency.
  • Other Spices: Besides turmeric, Besengek Tempe uses various spices, such as lemongrass, bay leaves, galangal, and cayenne pepper. These spices can enhance the flavor of the dishes in the Wonogiri district. Therefore, you must try this dish.
  • The uniqueness of Besengek Tempe, a specialty of Wonogiri Regency, lies in the level of spiciness. This dish is usually quite spicy, making it suitable for spicy food lovers. The level of spiciness can be adjusted according to each taste by the person who cooks it.

So, if you are visiting Wonogiri, don’t forget to try Wonogiri’s specialty food that everyone, Besengek Tempe, can enjoy. Its rich and spicy flavor will spoil your tongue. Enjoy!

2. Brem

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Brem | Journey Indonesia

Brem is a fermented food made from rice.

Here are some things to know about brem made by the Wonogiri community.

  • Brem is one of Wonogiri’s famous specialties.
  • The process of making brem begins with soaking rice by Wonogiri Regency in water for several hours.
  • After that, the rice is boiled until cooked and then drained.
  • While still warm, the rice is added with yeast by the Wonogiri district to start the fermentation process.
  • The Wonogiri district then leaves Brem for several days to produce a natural sweetness.
  • The sweetness in Wonogiri district’s brem comes from the fermentation of sugar in rice into alcohol by the local community.
  • In addition to its delicious taste, brem by Wonogiri Regency also has an appetizing aroma.
  • Many enjoy brem as a snack or dessert after a meal in Wonogiri Regency. Therefore, brem has become one of the most popular specialties in the area.
  • Brem is also often used as one of the components in making traditional snacks such as klepon or cenil in the Wonogiri Regency. Brem by Wonogiri district.
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Brem Wonogiri is a special variant of this food well-known by tourists in the Wonogiri area, Central Java. The delicious and unique taste of brem Wonogiri makes it an attraction for local and international tourists. So, if you are visiting Wonogiri, don’t forget to try this specialty!

3. Cabuk

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Cabuk | Journey Indonesia

Cabuk is a traditional Wonogiri food made from sticky rice, coconut, and brown sugar. It is a fine powder with a sweet taste and soft, chewy texture. Cabuk is popular in Wonogiri because of its delicious taste, mixing the savory taste of coconut with an enticing aroma. The manufacturing process is very traditional, grinding sticky rice until it becomes a fine powder, then mixing it with coconut and brown sugar as a natural sweetener. After that, Cabuk is ready to be served as a snack or souvenir because of its ability to last a long time and is easily portable. If you visit Wonogiri, don’t forget to try this unique and delicious Cabuk because there will be nothing similar elsewhere.

4. Emping

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Emping | Journey Indonesia

Emping is a type of chip made from melinjo seeds. It has a distinctive, slightly bitter yet savory taste. Here are some interesting things about emping:

  • Made from melinjo seeds: Emping is made by processing melinjo seeds into crispy chips.
  • A distinctive flavor: The taste combines bitter and savory flavors that shake the tongue.
  • Perfect as a snack: Emping is often used because of its crunchy texture and delicious flavor.
  • Natural raw materials: Made from melinjo seeds, emping is a food that uses natural raw materials without the addition of harmful chemicals.
  • Variety of preparations: Besides the usual emping, there are also variants of balado emping, spicy emping, and others for those who like a spicy sensation in their food.
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Emping is one of Wonogiri’s must-try specialties. Its unique taste makes it a favorite for many people. So, don’t miss the opportunity to taste the deliciousness of emping when visiting Wonogiri!

5. Geti Wijen: A Delicious and Nutritious Wonogiri Specialty Snack

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Geti Wijen | Journey Indonesia

Geti Wijen is a Wonogiri snack made from sesame and brown sugar. This snack has a unique and appetizing taste.

Here are some interesting things about Sesame Geti:

  • Made from natural ingredients: Sesame Geti is made with natural ingredients such as sesame and brown sugar. There are no chemicals or preservatives, so they are safe for consumption.
  • Rich in nutrients: Sesame contains fiber, protein, healthy fats, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Brown sugar provides extra energy.
  • Crunchy texture: Sesame Geti provides a satisfying crunchy texture sensation when bitten.
  • Perfect as an everyday snack: Small in size and handy to carry around, perfect as an everyday snack.
  • Variety of flavors: There are also chocolate or cheese flavors besides the original sesame and brown sugar flavors.

So, if you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious Wonogiri snack, go for the Sesame Geti. Enjoy its deliciousness and the sensation of its crunchy texture.

6. Kacang Mete

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Cashew nuts are a popular Wonogiri snack due to their delicious taste and unique texture. Cashew nuts are shaped like small fingers, and the skin is peeled before frying. The frying process uses coconut oil to make them crispy and fragrant. Fried cashew nuts are a favorite snack in Wonogiri and are also used in traditional dishes such as pecel or soto. You can find various processed cashew nuts in Wonogiri’s traditional markets. So, if you are visiting Wonogiri, don’t forget to taste these delicious cashew nuts suitable as souvenirs from the region.

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7. Lombok Ijo

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Lombok Ijo | Journey Indonesia

Lombok Ijo is a famous vegetable in Wonogiri, Central Java. It has coconut milk and green chili sauce that is spicy and fresh.

Some interesting things about Lombok Ijo:

  • Lombok Ijo uses green chilies, making the spicy coconut milk sauce unique.
  • The melinjo seed husk makes the texture unique and savory.
  • It’s affordable and can be enjoyed by everyone.
  • Lombok Ijo, a specialty of Central Java, is a must-try when you go there.
  • It’s hard to find outside Wonogiri, so it’s better to go there directly.

So, if you want to try Wonogiri’s delicious fresh food, don’t forget Lombok Ijo. It’s spicy and fresh with coconut milk and melinjo seed skins, making it delicious. Lombok Ijo is also unique and only available in Central Java. So, don’t forget to try Lombok Ijo when you visit Wonogiri!

8. Nasi Tiwul

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Nasi Tiwul | Journey Indonesia

Tiwul rice is a Wonogiri specialty made from dried cassava. This food has a chewy and sticky texture when chewed and tastes savory with a distinctive aroma of cassava. Tiwul rice can also be served in various preparations and is more delicious when warm. The delicious and unique taste of Tiwul Rice makes it worth a try for culinary lovers. The main ingredient of making Tiwul Rice is dried cassava which is processed into flour with a special technique. The taste that satisfies the taste buds makes Tiwul Rice one of the Wonogiri specialties that should not be missed.

9. Pecel Mie Pentil

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Pecel Mie Pentil | Journey Indonesia

Pecel Mie Pentil is a unique Wonogiri specialty that is worth a try. It uses Wonogiri’s deliciously chewy noodles as the base of the dish. Tofu pentil, with its small round shape, is an important ingredient in this dish. Pecel Mie Pentil is served with a savory peanut sauce that makes it even more delicious. Add slices of fresh cucumber, bean sprouts, and crunchy crackers to enhance the flavor.

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So, don’t miss the opportunity to taste this Pecel Mie Pentil. Feel the pleasure of chewy noodles and the savory sensation of peanut sauce that shakes the tongue. All this uniqueness and delicacy illustrates the uniqueness of Wonogiri in this one dish.

10. Pindang Kambing

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Pindang Kambing | Journey Indonesia

Pindang Kambing is a Wonogiri specialty that is a must-try. Enjoy the delicious goat meat and the aroma of the spices. This food is delicious because of the spices and is suitable for families because it can be enjoyed together. The gravy is clear and flavorful with spices. In addition to the delicious mutton, various kinds of sambal can be chosen according to taste. The price is also affordable so everyone can enjoy it.

An interesting thing about Pindang Kambing:

  • It tastes good because of the spices.
  • Suitable for families as it can be enjoyed together.
  • There are various kinds of chili sauce to choose from.
  • The price is affordable for everyone.

By bringing Pindang Kambing to your meal, you will enjoy a delicious meal rich in aromas and flavors of spices, perfect for enjoying with your beloved family. Don’t forget to try a variety of sambals that will add to the enjoyment of your meal. The affordable price is also advantageous so everyone can enjoy this delicious Pindang Kambing in Wonogiri traditional market.

11. Tempe Benguk

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Tempe Benguk | Journey Indonesia

Tempe Benguk is tempeh made from Benguk seeds. Despite its rough texture, it tastes savory and delicious. Suitable as a unique souvenir for friends or family. Tempe Benguk is made from Benguk seeds. The texture is rough. It tastes savory and delicious. The price is low. Tempe Benguk does not use soybean as its main ingredient, unlike soybean tempeh. Suitable for those who like traditional food with different flavors. Many people like to take Tempe Benguk home when visiting Wonogiri. Tempe Benguk can be fried, stir-fried, or grilled. So, if you want to try different tempeh, try Tempe Benguk. It’s savory and delicious.

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12. Ikan Wader

makanan khas wonogiri yaitu Ikan Wader | Journey Indonesia

Wader fish is a small to medium freshwater fish often found in Wonogiri. It is fried until crispy and eaten with its bones. Usually served with rice and sambal, this dish is a favorite in restaurants and food stalls in Wonogiri. Wader fish is popular because it tastes good and is easy to cook.


Wonogiri specialties have many delicious choices. There are tempeh besengek, brem, chili, emping, sesame geti, cashew nuts, lombok ijo, tiwul rice, pecel mie pentil, pindang kambing, and tempe benguk. These foods are well known, and many people like them. So, if you want to try Wonogiri specialties, don’t hesitate. Invite family or friends too. Please write down the name of the food so that it is easy to order at restaurants or local food stalls in Wonogiri.

So what are you waiting for? Immediately plan your culinary visit to Wonogiri and enjoy the culinary sensation of this region. Feel for yourself the deliciousness and uniqueness of Wonogiri specialties that have been famous throughout Indonesia.

Are all these dishes halal?

Most Wonogiri dishes use halal ingredients such as tempeh, vegetables, and regular meat. However, be sure to ask the seller or waiter about the halalness of the dish before ordering it.

Is the price of Wonogiri food affordable?

Wonogiri food prices are affordable and in line with the taste and quality. However, prices may vary depending on the place and the type of dish.


A traveler since 2010 until now and has explored more than 30 provinces in Indonesia. Happy to share interesting experiences about tourist destinations in Indonesia.

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